We are proud to announce that our office has partnered with Bausch & Lomb and TerraCycle to become a contact lens recycling drop-off location. Unfortunately, contact lenses, blister packs, and top foils are too small to be processed through traditional recycling plants and normally get sent to landfills. Plus, it has been estimated that up to 3 billion contacts enter wastewater treatment plants each year. These lenses can turn into microplastics that infiltrate our food chain, waterways, and harm marine life. But now, contact lenses, blister packs, and top foils can be safely and effectively recycled thanks to the ONE by ONE Program.
ONE by ONE is a program that was created by Bausch & Lomb and Terracycle to make the contact lens industry a more sustainable one. ANY brand of contacts is eligible for recycling through this program. How can you participate? Simply collect your used contacts, blister packs, and top foils in a box or bag and drop them off at our office. Note that unopened blister packs with fresh lenses inside can NOT be recycled because they still contain the preserving solution. We will ship the materials to be recycled for you.

Now you can wear your contact lenses guilt-free, including those of you that wear daily disposable lenses. We hope that you choose to participate in this program and we look forward to seeing you in the office to drop off your materials!