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August: National Children’s Vision and Learning Month

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August: National Children’s Vision and Learning Month – 8/3/18

childrens eye exam

by Michael Duong, OD, FAAO

August is here and with it comes the start of the new school year!  Time for new clothes and new stationary. Going to get an eye exam can be overlooked during this busy time.  The goal of Children’s Vision and Learning Month is to educate the public about the relationship between vision and learning.  

Common signs of learning-related vision problems

  • Headaches, eye strain
  • Short attention span
  • Excessive blinking or eye rubbing
  • Poor hand eye-coordination
  • Difficulty remembering what was read
  • Holding reading materials close to the face
  • Covering one eye

20/20 does not always mean normal vision

Many parents incorrectly assume when their child passes a school vision screening, there is no vision problem.  However, a child can have 20/20 vision but still have trouble seeing. 1 in 4 school age children suffer from an uncorrected vision problem. Up to 80 % of the learning children do is through their eyes, so having an undiagnosed and untreated vision problem can have a negative effect on their education, confidence, and ability to socialize.  The only way to be sure your child can see clearly is a comprehensive vision exam.

A comprehensive eye exam also includes color vision testing, eye tracking, eye movement, eye alignment,  and depth perception. In addition, the eye health portion of the exam includes evaluating the outer and inner ocular structures of the eyes.  With school starting soon, we want to make sure that your child has the best opportunity to learn and see the world clearly. Start the school year off right by scheduling a comprehensive eye examination for your child today at our office.  Call today 925-743-1222.


Written by Dr. Michael Duong

Dr. Duong received his bachelor’s degree in biology with a minor in chemistry at San Jose State University. He then attended Pennsylvania College of Optometry and received his Doctor of Optometry in 2009.
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